Alts/Bots and Blatant resource abuse

 So just now I flew through the Arezzo region with my F-16:


Pretty isn't it? What puzzled me though, is that the region showed there were 20 avatars in it, myself included. You could see them nowhere in the water or on the island, so I edited my plane and zoomed around.

The others weren't much worth looking at, as you can see. Anyone who has been around in the area must have seen the circles with alts, or bots as some name them. Many of them are in use for Tiny Empires or some other game. Sadly enough, some 90% of the avatars I ran into today in the area seemed to be these inactive bottom-dwellers.

Just look at this minimap...

I would not bother much normally, people can choose how to waste their own time however they like. The thing here is of course: regions like Arezzo, where I was at this Wednesday afternoon, can only hold 20 avatars. It would even be impossible to pass through it in a sailboat with just 1 friend aboard.

Very sad that this sort of abuse of resources is still allowed by Linden Lab.


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