Taking the Brantly B2B across 5 continents

I've been flying in SL since 2010, so it might be about time I make a blog. Especially since many of my previous publications on forums etc. have vanished with the years, due to Second Life's Aviation forum stopping for instance.

So.. this is a good occasion for me, since today I took out my Shergood Aviation Brantly B2B helicopter for it's longest flight to date: Jeogeot Gulf Airport in Spurness, with a stopover in White Star Airport and then on to my other homebase: Aerodrome Amelia Earhart in Xobite.

Arrived at Aerodrome Amelia Earhart
Arrived at Aerodrome Amelia Earhart

That spans 5 of Second Life's mainland continents: Jeogeot, Bellisseria (this is most of the flight distance), Satori (once also called maebaleia), Nautilus and Corsica.

About to take off from Spurness
About to take off from Spurness

The idea came to mind after I tested the B2B's fuel consumption and contemplated it might just make the 300 regions between Spurness and White Star. While nearing the destination, I realised I had 1/4 of the tank left, the grid was very smooth today and I had only encountered 2 or 3 orbs that were easy to avoid, so why not fly on and say hi to my friend Meirit, who owns this beautiful 1930's Art Deco grass airfield in Corsica?

Just a cockpit view, high up, somewhere above the Satori coastline

And so... I realised... this small, slow helicopter can actually get you a lot further than anyone would have thought!


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